Volleyball team takes a stand even when its university doesn't

Volleyball team takes a stand even when its university doesn't

Volleyball team takes a stand even when its university doesn't

The Independent Women's Forum is giving an attagirl to some college volleyball players.

At least five universities have forfeited matches against San Jose State University because San Jose has a male on the female volleyball team.

Beth Parlato, senior legal advisor at Independent Women's Forum (IWF): “We definitely support all those teams that are forfeiting the games against San Jose State."


One of the teams is from University of Nevada-Reno, albeit without support from its university administration. The university has taken steps in recent days to say it's the players' stance and not the university's decision.

"I think it's absolutely disgusting that they're not actually standing up for their own players. Basically, they made the statement that they support equality and gender identity and blah blah blah."

Thrown under the bus

The school’s officials statement said, “The University of Nevada, Reno, women’s volleyball team’s decision and statement were made independently, and without consultation with the University or the athletic department. The University and its athletic programs are governed by the Nevada Constitution and Nevada law, which strictly protect equality of rights under the law, and that equality of rights shall not be denied or abridged by this state or any of its subdivisions on account of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, ancestry or national origin.”

Parlato, Beth (IWF) Parlato

To Parlato, a high school and college athlete, there is a safety issue when it comes to allowing males in female sports. Parlato also sees this as a violation of a female's Title IX rights. Other organizations have made similar arguments, including the Leadership Institute, and Concerned Women for America.

In addition to University of Nevada Reno, the teams boycotting San Jose State University volleyball matches are Utah State, Boise State, Southern Utah University, and University of Wyoming.

The Nevado-Reno team issued a statement prior to its forfeit saying it stands in “solidarity” with the four other teams who have forfeited matches scheduled with San Jose State.