Facebook election interference rearing its head again?

Facebook election interference rearing its head again?

Facebook election interference rearing its head again?

It's news many people may not 'like.' Supporters of iVoterGuide have run into problems posting things on Facebook.

The election assistance app iVoterGuide is part of the American Family Association (AFA), and this situation about social media came to light after a conversation between iVoterGuide's Debbie Wuthnow and a supporter that mentioned difficulties getting things to post.

Wednesday, Wuthnow shared details about that conversation during a segment on American Family Radio (AFR)'s "At the Core" program.

"He had tried to share iVoterGuide and he said on Facebook something about 'vote your moral values and use this wonderful tool,'" Wuthnow said. "He shared the link, and it got removed as potentially violating community standards or being spam and they took it down."
The supporter is appealing that decision.

Meanwhile, iVoterGuide has been investigating and found "over 100 reports of Facebook removing a post when somebody shares iVoterGuide.com," Wuthnow said.

Wuthnow, Debbie (iVoterGuide) Wuthnow

To Wuthnow, this is a suppression of the truth, and she said that it is consistent with Facebook's history of election interference. Today, iVoterGuide is trying to raise awareness to this issue.

"There are some things that are you are able to share," said Wuthnow. "If you share a post from our actual iVoterGuide page on Facebook that has a higher probability of being posted, but if you just type the link into Facebook and it gets blocked we would love to know of your experience."

Wuthnow advised those people to take a screenshot and send an e-mail to [email protected].

"We're just gathering the evidence as we reach out to Facebook and let people know about how pervasive this problem is."