Weather stats rain on climate change 'narrative'

Weather stats rain on climate change 'narrative'

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Weather stats rain on climate change 'narrative'

The public keeps being lectured that they are causing more powerful and more deadly natural disasters when they fill up the gas tank but a skeptic is pointing to current weather data that suggests otherwise.

Marc Morano of Climate Depot, who monitors climate change claims and the activism related to it, says tropical cyclone activity is below normal in 2021 across the Northern Hemisphere. The same goes for U.S. tornadic activity. That report can be read here.

"This goes against the entire narrative,” he advises, “and it's just another piece of the puzzle in the climate debate.”

When a natural disaster strikes, or even man-made fires gobble up homes in California, the public routinely witnesses  environmental activists, politicians, and supportive media outlets run to TV cameras and state matter-of-factly that a warming planet is the reason for the terrible event and more calamity is coming, too. To suggest otherwise, they say, is akin to "flat-earth" beliefs. 

 “We know that as a result of our warming planet, we are going to see more radical and frequent shifts in extreme weather – extreme heat to extreme rain," a Sky News reporter told viewers Nov. 12 from the flooded streets of Chennai, India. 

However, Chennia native Vijay Jayaraj writes that the city is prone to flooding from October to January during the Monsoon season. Year to year, he advises, it has witnessed steady and normal rainfall going back to the 1960s. The record for the biggest one-day flood goes back to 1976. 

Morano, Marc (Climate Depot) Morano

Citing a story in The Washington Post, which published Nov. 17, Morano says climate change is now being blamed on pie-baking. In particular, that story blamed both rainfall and droughts for hurting wheat crops, for example, which drives up food prices for companies that package flour.   

The Biden administration is pushing to move the U.S. from fossil fuels and embrace “green” energy, and the claim that gasoline-dependent mankind had angered Mother Nature is often cited as a reason to build windmills and solar panels.

“When, in reality,” Morano tells American Family News, “not only are the hurricanes and tornadoes below normal last year, the same holds true for droughts, floods, and wildfires."

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