Katie Brown Xavios of the American Life League (ALL) says her organization takes an overall inventory of the annual salaries at Planned Parenthood to educate people that the abortion giant operates as a franchise.
The just-released 2025 Report on Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation from ALL's STOPP International shines a spotlight on its actual earnings in relation to its claims that it is facing increasing financial struggles.

"They have their big Planned Parenthood Federation organization, which kind of overseas the Planned Parenthood over the countries. Underneath that, there are 49 affiliates that operate all of their centers across the country," Xavios relays. "What we're paying attention to is the salaries of those 49 affiliates."
She says when you think about Planned Parenthood, you think about nonprofits. The organization is constantly telling people they need money and begging for taxpayer funding.
Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed monetarily stressed abortion provider pays its top officer nearly $1 million. Its Los Angeles CEO makes almost as much, with an annual compensation of nearly $876,000.
"The average salary for all those 49 CEOs is just about $352,000 a year," Xavios reports.
Planned Parenthood claims to offer a "wide range of reproductive health services," but the majority of its business has been abortion and cross-sex hormones.
Xavios hopes people will share this information on social media while ALL tries to get the attention of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).
"They've tasked themselves with really investigating NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that receive government funding and defunding those organizations that might not be deserving of government funds," the pro-lifer explains. "Planned Parenthood should be at the top of their list."
She says the abortion provider takes in about $700 million in taxpayer funding a year, much of which trickles down to line their own pockets.
ALL asserts it is time to defund this wealthy and profitable abortion megacorporation.