The Woman and Child Protection Act in the Senate (Senate Bill 2880) comes from Chairman Bryan Hughes (R), and the House version (House Bill 5510) is from Representative Jeff Leach (R).
Texas Right to Life favors both measures, as illegal abortions are still occurring in the state because of things such as abortion pills.

"This [legislation] would allow citizens to sue companies and organizations that work to kill preborn children," explains Kimberlyn Schwartz. "That includes the websites that are selling illegal abortion pills online, distributors, [and] advertisers."
Within the last year, Schwartz has seen billboards advertising illegal abortion pills online, and liberal activists have been sending deadly drugs straight to homes and dorm rooms, as many as 19,000 per year.
"Any company that participates in this illegal activity, they need to be held accountable," she insists. "We can't let criminals have a free pass, so we are working to shut abortion pills off at the source by going after these groups that are selling illegal abortion pills, bringing them in from other states and across the border."
No other state has enacted legislation to protect children against what Texas Right to Life calls "the new underground abortion industry."
Schwartz says elective abortion is illegal in Texas beginning at fertilization, but that does not mean abortionists have given up and left the state.
"It means they're gone underground, and they're working in the shadows," she says.
But with the Woman and Child Protection Act, Texas could be the first state to go on the offense against illegal abortion pills and the new tactics of the abortion industry.