Florida voters urged to understand 'no' vs 'yes' on Nov. ballot measure

Florida voters urged to understand 'no' vs 'yes' on Nov. ballot measure

Florida voters urged to understand 'no' vs 'yes' on Nov. ballot measure

Aware abortion supporters are targeting their state, a Florida group is raising awareness on what it calls “dangerous deceptions' with a ballot initiative.

Like voters in many other states, Floridians will vote Nov. 5 on an abortion ballot initiative that seeks to demand a constitutional right to abortion.

Aaron DiPietro, of Florida Family Voice, says the pro-family group is “definitely” asking Florida voters to choose “No” when they see Amendment 4 on their ballot.

"The lack of definitions in this amendment is just absolutely staggering,” he says, referring to the ballot’s confusing language. “And just open the open the door to abortion on demand until the moment of birth all the way through the end of the third trimester."

DiPietro says that the terms "viability," "healthcare provider," and "patients' health" are not defined.

Those are key terms, he stresses, that are unprecedented to see in a constitutional ballot initiative in The Sunshine State. Most ballot initiatives, regardless of the topic, include helpful definitions and guidelines to help the voters.

DiPietro, Aaron (FFPC) DiPietro

In a distressing example of confusion, DiPietro says he has spoken to fellow pro-life Floridians who mistakenly believe Amendment 4 is a pro-life ballot measure, such as a heartbeat bill.

Despite that confusion, he predicts Amendment 4 has a “strong chance” of being defeated in November if the public learns "No" supports babies in the womb. 

Abortion-supporting organizations that are putting their resources behind a “Yes” vote include the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and the Florida Women’s Freedom Coalition.