Poll: Even pro-choice voters oppose late-term abortions

Poll: Even pro-choice voters oppose late-term abortions

Poll: Even pro-choice voters oppose late-term abortions

To gain needed victories in the upcoming elections, a conservative leader says Republicans need to understand how the public feels about abortion, because Democrats apparently don't get it.

Though a recent poll shows a majority of American voters (66%), including those who are pro-choice, do not believe abortion should be legal past 12 weeks into a pregnancy, the Democratic Party overall supports abortion for any reason up to birth and even infanticide after birth.

If Republicans want to win in November, Kristen Ullman of the Eagle Forum says the poll findings suggest they need to stress their pro-life message.

Ullman, Kristen (Eagle Forum) Ullman

"The American people do not want abortion up until birth, but yet the Democrats are telling them that that is what they do want, and if they want any restrictions at all, they're out of the mainstream," she observes. "That is simply not true."

The Biden administration continues to promote abortion as its go-to issue and is insistent on passing a federal bill to legalize abortion up to birth. If the Democrats have majority wins in November, their legislation would negate all state laws that have been passed to protect preborn babies.

"This is radical, and it's out of the mainstream, and pro-lifers need to make clear to the pro-life community and to those people who aren't sure where they stand exactly what it is that Democrats and the radical pro-abortion forces – who have joined together – what they are actually advocating for," Ullman insists.

Meanwhile, Republican challenger Donald Trump has recognized that there should be limits on abortion and that the issue should be up to the states to decide.

According to the cited Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey, 53% of likely U.S. voters generally consider themselves to be pro-choice on the issue of abortion. 37% are generally pro-life, while another 10% are not sure.