Abortion clinic keeping 911 dispatchers, ambulances busy

Abortion clinic keeping 911 dispatchers, ambulances busy

Abortion clinic keeping 911 dispatchers, ambulances busy

An abortion industry watchdog is concerned about a particular clinic in Illinois.

The facility is Hope Clinic for Women, an abortuary that is accused of soft peddling its mission that terminates unborn children through 6 ½ months of pregnancy.

Recently, a Hope Clinic staff member called for an ambulance to transport a 32-year-old patient who was “having some bleeding” after an abortion.

Operation Rescue, which monitors emergency calls, has revealed that four ambulances have transported women from Hope Clinic to hospitals in less than two months, all for similar reasons. In addition, 11 women were taken to hospitals in the area from the abortion mill over a two-year year span.

Illinois has become an abortion destination after Roe v Wade was overturned last summer, which means Hope Clinic is seeing more women entering its doors from other states.