Evil isn't giving up on Ireland

Evil isn't giving up on Ireland

Evil isn't giving up on Ireland

A defender of life says the push for assisted suicide will continue in Ireland.

For a second time, the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament) Committee on Justice has refused to advance the so-called Dying with Dignity Bill, "an act to make provision for assistance in achieving a dignified and peaceful end of life to qualifying persons and related matters." Essentially it aims to legalize doctor-assisted suicide.

"They're pushing very hard with the assistance of the corrupt Irish media," reports Dr. Brian Clowes of Human Life International, the largest international pro-life organization in the world. "I've been there a number of times, and the Irish media makes our corrupt media look pristine."

He goes on to draw the comparison between assisted suicide and abortion, that latter of which has already been imposed on Ireland by the United Kingdom.

"The difference between the campaign for euthanasia in Ireland and the campaign for abortion is that in this case most medical organizations are against it, so they're standing fast there," Dr. Clowes says.

But proponents of assisted suicide do not consider this latest defeat to be the end of the discussion.

"They'll continue slightly adjusting," the pro-lifer predicts. "They'll continue coming back and demanding action. But in the end all it comes out to is just death … and the expansion of evil more and more with every passing year. These guys never give up."

Ireland now condones divorce and abortion, but Dr. Clowes hopes the island will draw the line at the legalized killing of people at the other end of life.