Open Doors: U.S. should be demanding religious freedom

Open Doors: U.S. should be demanding religious freedom

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Open Doors: U.S. should be demanding religious freedom

The United States could aid persecuted Christians in Iran if our leaders get serious, says a persecution watchdog.

Reacting to the news that U.S. diplomats are in Vienna renegotiating the controversial Iran nuclear deal, David Curry of Open Doors USA says religious freedom deserves to be part of that discussion, too.

Open Doors lists Iran within the top 10 of nations with the worst record of persecution of Christians, who deserve the legal right to read a Bible and attend church without arrest and torture, he says. 

“These are first steps,” he insists, “If they're not willing to do that, what makes you think they'd be willing to step aside from their lever, which is these nuclear weapons, in any meaningful way?”

The people of Iran, meanwhile, are open to religious freedom despite their leaders, Curry tells One News Now.