Trump KO'd a teetering Biden – but Round 2 will be tougher

Trump KO'd a teetering Biden – but Round 2 will be tougher

Trump KO'd a teetering Biden – but Round 2 will be tougher

When the Democratic Party gets behind a new candidate – and it will – Joe Biden will quickly fade from memory and Donald Trump will be their focus ... and he better be ready with the details.

Barely six days have passed since President Joe Biden shuffled onto a stage in Atlanta and swiftly caused a hair-pulling panic among Democrats, from check-writing donors to water-carrying journalists.

That panic is still happening, and will continue for days and maybe weeks, but a new candidate will likely step into the ring. With little time left before Election Day, that person will come out swinging at Donald J. Trump – with tens of millions of dollars, half the country, and most of the national media cheering for a Nov. 5 victory.

In the meantime, while that political chaos is happening right now, Donald Trump should use that time to hone a winning message to American voters that describes his specific plans for a second term. For example:

Will you tackle America’s runaway debt, now $34 trillion, that you helped create and that Congress refuses to address? If so, how would you do that?

Do you support the “school choice” movement and the use of public dollars to pay for it?

As president, how would you deal with the Russia-NATO standoff in Europe that seems to be escalating toward another world war?

Why is a specific and detailed message needed? Because a clear vision for a second Trump term did not come across clearly in the 1-½ hour debate on June 27.

For example, pointing to the man responsible for record-breaking illegal immigration was an easy jab on stage, but Trump oddly failed to cite the arrest of eight foreign men from Tajikistan, all suspected terrorists. That news story broke just two days before the debate – but the audience heard Trump vaguely mention “terrorists” who are “pouring in” from all over the world. That is a line straight from the campaign trail, and also true, but also vague.  

If you want to be commander in chief, Mr. Trump, you need to be in command of the facts.

If you debate Title IX with your next Democratic opponent, can you describe the original intent of that federal law? Can you cite specific examples of female athletes who have lost races and state titles to a biological male? Can you articulate why that's wrong? 

Recalling those facts might not matter to “MAGA” voters, who will vote for you no matter what, but there are irate parents in Virginia who are choosing their children over transgender ideology. Right now they feel abandoned by their own public schools and their own Democratic Party. You need their vote.

The first presidential debate was like a prize fighter fighting a one-armed man. Trump did not deliver a knock-out punch. Biden just simply stayed in his corner and sat down, and never got back up.

When the Democratic Party gets behind a new candidate – and it will – Joe Biden will quickly fade from memory and defeating Donald Trump will be their collective focus. 

You better be ready, Donald Trump, with the details.

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