God is blessing Ward’s African missionary journey with great impact

God is blessing Ward’s African missionary journey with great impact

God is blessing Ward’s African missionary journey with great impact

God is doing amazing things in Central Africa through a missionary who told God she'd go where no one else wants to go.

Carole Ward surrendered her life to Christ as a child, and as she grew in the faith, that became total surrender and she followed God's leading to some of the most dangerous countries for a white woman with long, blonde hair in the whole world.

She started by herself in South Sudan in the middle of a deadly civil war, faced imminent death multiple times, and told the Today's Issues crew God has expanded the ministry. 

“It's over a thousand people. We started in Uganda, but now Sudan, South Sudan, Congo, Central Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt, Eritrea, Chad, into Cameroon,” she says.

She's evangelizing Muslims, including Boko Haram, ISIS and other terrorists, and they're coming to the saving knowledge of Christ.

“If you connect to a Muslim at a point of contact, their belief system, and you can lead them to the truth, they're getting saved right and left."

The power of dreams

Ward says God is using dreams and visions to bring people to her door. In one particular instance, Christian radio was the medium used after the dream to win a hardened killer to Christ.

Ward, Carole (missionary) Ward

“God came to an executioner in Khartoum. After four times the same dream he's terrified and thinks, I'm on the wrong side. He runs down to Juba, hears Jesus preached in Arabic on our Christian radio station, walks in the station, gives his life to the to Jesus. He's a head Sheikh Imam, number one murderer,” Ward said.

God is bringing peace to warring tribes, an end to religious violence and peace to regions that have been at war for generations. Ward says it's getting the attention of world leaders.

“We were invited by the vice presidents in South Sudan to bring trauma healing, because they said, 'All we know is revenge, anger, hatred, and bloodshed.' And it's all based on forgiveness. It's changing them,” she said.

Read more about Carole Ward's story in her book ‘Lord, Send Us Where No One Wants To Go,’ at FavorIntl.org.