Missionaries taking Light of the World to The City of Light

Missionaries taking Light of the World to The City of Light

Missionaries taking Light of the World to The City of Light

Olympic athletes aren't the only ones going to Paris this summer.

Brian Berry says about two years ago, a French missionary family his Ohio church supports realized the 2024 Olympics would be bringing millions of people to Paris, and they were "really burdened" about putting together an evangelistic outreach.

"We will have an opportunity to reach people with the gospel that we could never reach by going to their country," Berry recently told American Family Radio in a soon-to-air interview.

He pointed out that many of the people and athletes traveling to Paris for the Olympics will be coming from countries that are closed to Christianity and the gospel.

"As the world comes to Paris, we're going to be in Paris to take Christ to the world," he shares.

Berry, Brian (missionary) Berry

The international multi-sport event is scheduled to take place from July 26 to August 11, with some competitions starting July 24. Berry and his Project Paris 2024 team will be in the city for about 3.5 weeks distributing tracts that include a QR code that will take people to a website that presents the gospel in many different languages.

"They'll see it both in text, and they'll see it in video form," the missionary details. "Then, if they're interested in learning more about Christ or getting plugged in with a gospel preaching church, they can contact us."

Berry asserts there are missionaries all over the world who will connect with those who reach out and teach them more about Christ when they get home.