Film producers want to honor God

Film producers want to honor God

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Film producers want to honor God

The Kendricks have been blessing people for over 20 years with hit films like "Facing The Giants," "Courageous," and "War Room," and God is doing big things with their latest film.

"The Forge" is about a teenage boy who receives a push to start making better life decisions.

Author and film producer Stephen Kendrick says since its release last August, they have been "blown away" by what God has done for churches' passion for discipleship.

"They're realizing we've got to get back to the Great Commission and doing what Jesus prioritized," he says.

"The Forge" has been released on Netflix, so as people in other countries view it, the Lord is using it internationally as well.

In Brazil, for example, where Kendrick says they have a passion for church planting, more tickets were sold there than in the entire U.S., "which nobody was expecting."

Kendrick, Stephen Kendrick

"The book 'Devoted to Jesus' was released with it, and now churches and believers are using that to jump into discipleship relationships," Kendrick reports.

Now the Kendrick Brothers are praying about their next projects, particularly three in the "prayer incubator."

"We've already had a prayer retreat asking the Lord for clarity and direction," Stephen tells AFN.

One project is an episodic, something the brothers have never done before.

"One of them is to reshoot a movie in a foreign language and use it to train up a film group in another country to make Christian films in that country," he details. "Then we're actually looking at a biblical story. We've never done that before, either."

Kendrick says the bottom line is he and his brother, Alex, fear the Lord and want to honor and handle His Word well.

"Prayer is the foundation for everything that we do, so please pray for us," he requests. "Ask the Lord to give us clarity, open doors, [and] provision."

They want to take the gospel to the nations, to introduce people to a loving relationship with Christ, and encourage them to follow Him in His Word.

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