State rep goes on attack against middle school girl forced to dress in front of boy

State rep goes on attack against middle school girl forced to dress in front of boy

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State rep goes on attack against middle school girl forced to dress in front of boy

An Illinois Democrat State representative has accused a mother of "lying" when she told school board members her 13-year-old daughter was forced to change with a biological male in the locker room.

What issues should take priority when a school allows biological males to use the girls' locker room? (Select up to 2)


State Representative Bob Morgan crassly claims Nicole Georgas lied to Deerfield Public Schools District 109 board members about the incident.

In a Tuesday session of the Illinois General Assembly, Morgan, who represents Deerfield, addressed the issue in response to it being brought up by Republican state representative Adam Neimerg, who brought up the allegations by Georgas.

"I'm really proud of my community, who stood up for those who need to be defended and protected, making sure we have great schools, which we do, by the way," Morgan said. "We have incredible, incredible schools, incredible families, an incredible community that has come together to deal with this situation. Because it's a lie!” 

Higgins, Laurie (Illinois Family Institute) Higgins

Laurie Higgins of Breakthrough Ideas, whose children all attended Alan B. Shepard Middle School in Deerfield where the incident took place, accused of Morgan of being misleading.

"He's trying to catch this mother on a technicality, that they weren't forced because they could actually go into a different space,” Higgins said.

Awake Illinois, an education nonprofit group, contends the district may have violated two Illinois School Code measures, one of unlawful restraint, another dealing with possible abuse or neglect.

Higgins argues that the girls are forced to either change in the open in front of a biological male or retreat to a bathroom stall or behind a curtain.

Georgas has filed a civil rights complaint with the Justice Department claiming the district attempted to force her daughter to change in front of a transgender student.

"They're ignoring the major issue, which is their bathrooms and their locker rooms are no longer private spaces. It is not a lie that there is a boy in the girls' locker room when kids go into the locker room to change for PE," Higgins said.