Can’t we all get along? As blacks and whites go, Yale isn’t so sure

Can’t we all get along? As blacks and whites go, Yale isn’t so sure

Can’t we all get along? As blacks and whites go, Yale isn’t so sure

A course offered at Yale University explores if black women and white women can be friends.

The class is called, "No Time for Tears: Friendships between Black Women and White Women."

Students can sign up for it, but according to Yale's website, they will be accepted only if the instructor grants them permission. (See earlier story)

The syllabus says the course will look at if friendships between black and white women can form an "equal footing," and if they can be "unfettered by the trappings of quid pro quo transactions."

It goes even further, literally asking if these relationships are "even possible".

AFN interviewed Doctor Linda Lee Tarver about this course. She is president of Tarver Consulting and a Project 21 ambassador.

Tarver, Linda Lee, Tarver Consulting Tarver

"I think it's a sad and pathetic and unfortunate attempt to draw black faculty into affirming their delusions of DEI. That's what I believe. I believe that they are accommodating the faculty members who have a separatist, and racist in my opinion, yes, you can be black and a racist, who have a separatist, black, delusional, life and experience. That (experience) is not founded in any truth or any scientific evidence that blacks and whites, even among the centuries, have not been able to become friends.”

Men and women ... they're just different

She said there is no evidence to suggest that, especially among women.

"Women are intimate beings, and we make friends with who we choose and who align with our vision and values. So, to say that there needs to be a study or an examination of it is just, it's absurd." 

She explored the mindset behind offering such a course.

"I believe that the Biden administration has allowed for certain riots against Jewish young people and faculty and students, and they have allowed for Black Lives Matter to permeate and become victims and to divide, racially divide. That has been permeating because of the leadership of this country in my opinion."

Tarver said because of the current racial climate, the academic world has been virtue-signaled to accept the victim/victor attitude of black versus white.

A new day dawning

She said what has been allowed to happen in the last four years is now coming to an end very shortly. 

“A lot of the organizations that have decided to do away with DEI and the madness that goes along with it are now waking up to it. It should have never been in academics in the first place."