Administrators overcomplicate another YAF request

Administrators overcomplicate another YAF request

Administrators overcomplicate another YAF request

A Christian advocate says a Pennsylvania university should be held accountable for unconstitutionally "stonewalling" a student group that wants to bring a conservative speaker to campus.

Earlier this year, faculty and staff at the University of Wisconsin-Madison tried to prevent a student-led event featuring Matt Walsh from taking place on campus. Now, The College Fix reports that Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg administrators have been slow-walking their response to requests to bring conservative commentator Michael Knowles to campus for an event the student group has been trying to get approved for months.

Gramley, Diane (AFA of Pennsylvania) Gramley

Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, tells AFN, "They are giving Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) a runaround -- stonewalling them, actually -- in their efforts to get Michael Knowles on campus," simply because the university does not want a conservative voice there.

The student government is also refusing to fund the event, citing "concerns that Knowles might 'discriminate against the transgender community.'"

Gramley says that borders on unconstitutional.

"It's not allowing students to use their First Amendment rights to address issues, to bring in commentators," she submits. "The administration should be held accountable for their stonewalling YAF."

As of February 27th, the school was still ignoring all communications from YAF's legal counsel.