Rep. Mace is wrong – lukewarm isn't the way to go

Rep. Mace is wrong – lukewarm isn't the way to go

Rep. Mace is wrong – lukewarm isn't the way to go

A pro-family activist and former congressional candidate disagrees with a push for the GOP to moderate its stance on abortion in hopes of winning future elections.

Nancy Mace (R-SC) recently told the Fox News Channel that Republicans need to stop burying their "heads in the sand" and move more to the center on abortion if they want to start winning elections again.

"What I saw last year in the midterm elections, I saw us lose seats we should have won," she said "There are a lot of things that we can do to protect life and not alienate the Independent voter."

But Janet Porter (pictured), a longtime pro-life activist who runs Faith2Action, says Mace has it wrong.

"I just heard a speech from Ron DeSantis, who just signed the Florida heartbeat bill into law," Porter notes. "He said a lot of people gave him that same advice, that [he] should just be moderate; don't go too far out on protect children in the womb. He said no, the opposite is true."

She thinks Mace, a two-term representative of South Carolina's first congressional district, has a lot to learn from "the guy that barely squeaked in in his first term" then "won with historic margins the second time through because he stood firm."

But with the conservative recently losing a highly contested Wisconsin Supreme Court race, giving liberals on the court the majority for the first time in 15 years, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said it comes down to "a messaging issue."

"We can't allow Democrats to define Republicans and put millions of dollars up in lies and have it go unanswered," she stated. "The lies become the truth if they go unanswered."

"This is not an issue that is going away for our party in a post-Dobbs world," McDaniel added. "We can't put our head in the sand thinking that it's going to heading into 2024."

Porter maintains that pro-lifers cannot compromise.

"No one ever built a monument to someone who is lukewarm," she notes. "In fact, God had some very specific things to say about people that were lukewarm on issues (Revelation 3:16)."

"When we're lukewarm on life, that means babies die," Porter concludes.