Musk mocking, Twitter documenting 'select group' at Davos

Musk mocking, Twitter documenting 'select group' at Davos

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab welcomes attendees to the 2023 meeting of powerful business leaders, politicians, and wealthy elites.

Musk mocking, Twitter documenting 'select group' at Davos

The mega-wealthy, super-powerful globalists are meeting again in the Swiss Alps for their annual conference, where they brag on their brilliance and denounce their detractors, and where everything they say about personal freedom, national sovereignty, and saving the planet is being exposed on social media thanks to a fellow billionaire.

The 2013 World Economic Forum kicked off this week with the tongue-twisting theme “Resilient Dynamism,” which refers to the WEF urging countries to be resilient in the face of record-setting inflation and global-wide economic recession.

“Achieving dynamism also has to be a priority now that crisis response has given way to the implementation of restructuring programmes,” the WEF report vaguely, and ominously, states.

Going back to WEF founder Klaus Scwab and his dream of a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” in 2017, it is the “restructuring” of society dreamed up by the WEF that is alarming much of the public. By now much of the world knows they will be poor and half-starved if that future happens but the central planners will still fly all over the world on all those private jets.

Musk mocks 'boss of Earth' plan

After an experimental virus escaped Wuhan, China, the global-wide panic over COVID-19 excited Schwab, a German-born economist. His book “COVID-19: The Great Reset” helped wake up many to the freedom-robbing plans of money-chasing business leaders, power-hungry politicians, and high-browed academics who meet in Davos to discuss their plans. 

And they never seem to disappoint.

“What does it mean to master the future?” Schwab, opening this week’s conference, said to the gathering Monday. “I think to have a platform, where all stakeholders of global society are engaged.”

“’Master the Future’ doesn’t sound ominous at all,” billionaire Elon Musk mockingly commented in a Twitter post. “How is WEF/Davos even a thing? Are they trying to be boss of Earth?”

Thanks in large part to Twitter, that question is answering itself. The social media site, now owned by Musk, has filled up with video after video of ominous-sounding speeches from Davos, such as John Kerry’s humble-brag praise for the elite gathering.  

“It’s pretty extraordinary that we, a select group of human beings,” Kerry observed, “because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room, and come together, and actually talk about saving the planet.”

What “touched” Kerry in his life was becoming mega-wealthy in 1995 after marrying Teresa Heinz, heiress to the ketchup company fortune estimated to be a half-billion dollars.

Another clip that went viral Tuesday featured Al Gore, the former view president, who famously adopted climate change like a religion decades ago and shares his doomsday prophecies to fellow believers at Davos.

“We need desperately to scale down anti-climate finance,” Gore, referring to private banks and their investments, angrily told the gathering.

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Bible prophecy teacher Jan Markell, who has been monitoring Davos for years, tells AFN the elites who gather there really do have dreams of a one-world government. 

"It's to encourage people to own nothing and be happy," she says, referring to a now-famous WEF article published in 2016 by a Danish politician. "That sounds like globalism, or communism, that's being planned by this outfit." 

In a radio interview Tuesday, British journalist Lewis Blackpool told AFR host Jenna Ellis he attends the annual conference and reports on its speakers and themes. A frequent theme he saw last year was an attempt to regain trust, he said, but that seems unlikely considering the plans to control the population, such as a digital currency, are out in the open. The theme of climate change and a warming planet is about control, too, he warned. 

"I think it sets a quite dystopian precedence, really, for the future of what our world is to look like," Blackpool observed. "And that's just repeating what they are saying."

"It sets quite a dangerous precedent but people can see it now," Ellis agreed. "Which is, I think, the biggest mistake they made was to be so open with it."