Forcing gender confusion will cost California

Forcing gender confusion will cost California

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Forcing gender confusion will cost California

A defender of civil liberties says it's obvious what state leaders are trying to accomplish with a nonsensical new law that requires retail stores to include gender-neutral sections for children.

The new law will affect all retail department stores physically located in California that sell childcare items or toys and have a total of 500 or more employees.

"Childcare items" refer to products designed to facilitate sleep, feeding children, relaxation, or "to help children with sucking or teething."

"Toys" are defined as products a manufacturer intends to be used by children 12 years old and younger.

Retailers will have to comply with Assembly Bill No. 10584, which Governor Gavin Newsom (D) signed into law in 2021, regardless of whether the items "have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys."

Any store that does not submit will reportedly be "liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $250 for a first violation or $500 for a subsequent violation, as provided."

The Daily Mail points out that that this legislation comes as Target continues to face backlash, including "a plunging share price that wiped $10 billion from the firm's value in just over a week," for offering outfits like "tuck-friendly" bathing suits for adults and pro-trans T-shirts for kids.

Dacus, Brad (PJI) Dacus

"This is just another classic example of government overreach by the California Legislature and governor," responds Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI). "Most toys are already gender-neutral, so this is an overt attempt by the LGBTQ movement to rein in greater pressure on these large department stores to influence the culture of children and to have greater pressure on stores to bow the knee to their agenda."

In short, he says the intent is to spread gender confusion -- "not just accommodate it, but to promote it overtly with our children in toy departments in department stores."

Dacus calls it part of the "macro strategy" to completely change the culture, and he laments that "our children, unfortunately, are paying a huge price."

He also warns that the law, scheduled to go into effect January 1, 2024, is "going to be just another reason for individuals, consumers, and businesses to leave the state like everyone else."

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