Records requests reveal how CA law punishes parental rights

Records requests reveal how CA law punishes parental rights

Records requests reveal how CA law punishes parental rights

In the latest battle over parental rights in California, another public school district is being sued for refusing to release documents describing its transgender-friendly policies, including a “transition" plan for students.

Lynwood Unified School District, located in Los Angeles County, is being sued by Center for American Liberty over allegations it is failing to comply with California state law involving public records requests.

Center for American Liberty is a non-profit civil liberties law firm founded by attorney Harmeet Dhillon.  

According to a Daily Signal story, the Center has exposed several other California school districts for helping children “transition” into another sex – behind the backs of parents – and Lynwood was its next target.

What seems like shocking behavior to most parents is the law in liberal California. That is because a parental-rights push in some right-leaning school districts was stamped out by the Democrat-majority legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom.

AB 1955, which Newsom (pictured at right) signed into law in July, overrules those local school boards and their parent-friendly policies. 

Daily Signal reporter Elizabeth Mitchell, who wrote the Signal story, tells AFN the Center suspects Lynwood is promoting transgender ideology in its classrooms behind the backs of parents.

“They have reason to believe,” she adds, “they have partnerships with far-left gender ideology groups like Planned Parenthood."

The reason the Center is suspicious is because the open records request, made in July, has not been honored. The law firm is asking the school district to turn over school district policies, gender support plans, and any communication between school officials and Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.

Mitchell, Elizabeth Troutman (The Daily Signal) Mitchell

Another reason the Center is taking Lynwood to court is the law firm knows what is happening in secret in school districts across the state. It has demanded and won previous open record requests with other California school districts such as Burbank, Newport-Mesa, and Capistrano.

Burbank’s public records revealed, for example, written plans for hiding a child’s “gender identity” from parents. Students in the Capistrano district can change their name and gender in school documents without informing parents.

“So it seems like there's some gender ideology instruction going on in California schools,” Mitchell concludes, “and they want to hide it from parents and groups like Center for American Liberty."