More worry for So. Baptists: Pro-LGBTQ worldview may taint firm's report

More worry for So. Baptists: Pro-LGBTQ worldview may taint firm's report

More worry for So. Baptists: Pro-LGBTQ worldview may taint firm's report

Just days before they gather for their annual meeting, Southern Baptists got some unsettling news about the firm they paid almost $2 million to help the denomination respond to a detailed report on sexual abuse allegations against clergy and church staff.

The independent organization hired by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) to investigate sex abuse accusations within the denomination made public this week its support for the "gay" agenda. On Monday, in support of "LGBTQI+ Pride Month," Guidepost Solutions tweeted the following:

"Guidepost is committed to strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion and strives to be an organization where our team can bring their authentic selves to work. We celebrate our collective progress toward equality for all and are proud to be an ally to our LGBTQ+ community."

The tweet was accompanied by a picture of a rainbow flag.

SBC pastor Dr. Alex McFarland tells American Family News he's very disappointed. "One would think that the company charged with investigating the state of certain sexual accusations related to the SBC would share a moral compass," he offers.

The head of the task force that hired Guidepost replied, in a tweet, that they would have preferred a Christian company, but there were none that could do the required job. Marshall Blalock said he was stunned and disappointed, but also expressed hope that the news would not detract the SBC from dealing with the sex abuse issue. The Southern Baptist Convention has already paid Guidepost $1.9 million for its work.

McFarland, Alex (Christian apologist) McFarland

McFarland expresses further disappointment: "I'm just sorry that Christian tithe money was used, to the tune of $2 million to fund a company, Guidepost, that opposes both God and country."

The Sex Abuse Task Force headed by Blalock will be presenting edited reforms suggested by Guidepost on how to deal with the sex abuse crisis when SBC messengers meet in Anaheim next week. McFarland says it will take supernatural wisdom for the denomination to move ahead.

"What I hope the messengers will do in Anaheim is pray and unify and get on their face before God and say, 'God, may the Spirit of the Lord revive this denomination so that we can fulfill the Great Commission,'" he concludes.

Guidepost Solutions released the results of its investigation on May 15 in a 288-page report.

Worldview an important factor

Religion News reports several individuals and Baptist state associations have called for the SBC to "break all ties" with Guidepost Solutions in light of the firm's pro-LGBTQ+ tweet. Among the notable reactions was this tweet from SBC presidential candidate Pastor Tom Ascol:

"This is who we gave our tithe dollars to? I & 47,000 other SBC pastors, plus millions of faithful members feel betrayed. We paid $millions to a LGBT-affirming & proud organization to guide us on moral & spiritual matters!? Is there no fear of God?"

In similar fashion, Tom Buck, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Lindale, TX, tweeted:

"Hey, SBC! You might want to consider this as you contemplate adopting the solutions they offer our convention. Not sure their voice should be listened to by any Christian organization. They don't hold a biblical worldview and their recommendations reflect that."

In a follow-up tweet, Buck pointed out he wasn't questioning Guidepost's ability to conduct a fair investigation – only that the SBC should consider the solutions offered in light of Guidepost's unbiblical worldview.

Editor's note: The SATB offers two options to report an instance of abuse – by phone at 202-864-5578 or [email protected]. Survivors will be notified of the available options for care and will be put in touch with an advocate. All information will remain confidential.